Make a referral to our Communities team
How can I get involved?
Our Communities team can provide lots of different types of support for people with learning
disabilities and autistic people in Gateshead and South Tyneside. Please contact us using the
details below to make a referral to our team.
If you are the person, or the family member of the person, who would like support from the
Communities team:
Download a referral form (word doc) then email your completed form back to us at at; or
Call us 0191 478 6472 (freephone 0800 048 7856) and we will take the referral details over the phone.
If you are a professional who would like to refer somebody for support from the Communities team:
Download a referral form (word doc) then email your completed form back to us at at; or
Contact us for advice or to discuss a referral by emailing or calling 0191 478 6472 (freephone 0800 048 7856).
After we have received your completed form, one of our Communities team will contact you to help you to access support.