Volunteer spotlight - Joseph
We have a team of amazing volunteers who support us across all areas of our work.
As part of #VolunteersWeek we are showcasing some of their work.

Joseph is a Masters student at Sunderland University and has been offering his data analyst and research skills as a Your Voice Counts volunteer. He's been involved in some of our recent major projects, providing invaluable support to our staff team.
Lindsay Henderson, Head of Communities at Your Voice Counts, said:
"I am always astounded by the level of commitment people offer when they become volunteers and how the right person somehow magically appears at just the right time. This was exactly the case with Joseph who has been an invaluable part of our Autism Peer Research project funded by the NENC Integrated Care Board.
"Joseph was a perfect fit and offered our team so much of his research expertise and really helped us shape the report. He helped us make a brilliant job of analyzing and presenting the research findings, but his help didn’t stop there! He then volunteered to help us shape an evaluation framework for a new project we are starting in South Tyneside funded through the NENCICB in South Tyneside and focused on training people who have a learning disability to become coaches so the support health and social care staff provide is as good as it can be!
"Joseph is really committed to making a difference to people’s lives and he said it’s been a privilege to work alongside our team. Well I’d like to send him a huge thank you on behalf of all the team and also on behalf of all the people we work with who continue to benefit from the kindness of volunteers like Joseph…..THANK YOU!!!"
To find out about our other volunteers and the roles we have available at Your Voice Counts, visit Volunteers' Week 2023 (yvc.org.uk).
