Introducing our new Advocacy Practice Manager
Ann-Marie Bainbridge recently joined our team in a new Advocacy Practice Manager role that was introduced to help us develop and expand our service. Ann-Marie said:

“I joined Your Voice Counts in July 2022 (delayed a little due to a bout of Covid!) after working as a manager in Adult Social Care in both the voluntary and statutory sector for almost 30 years. During that time, I had worked across home care for older people, independent supported living for people with learning disabilities and operations management that covered many different services including advocacy, social housing care and support and services for people with dementia and mental health problems.
"After the blur of the pandemic which impacted hugely on care services I knew I needed a change of direction. I was aware of the work and services that Your Voice Counts offers, so when I saw the job ad I was really drawn to it because it felt like I was going back to my roots
"Working in this sector is not really a job you can do if you don’t have a passion for it, I love helping people, and that often supporting them just to make small changes can have huge impact on their quality of life.
"There’s lots to enjoy about working in advocacy - the variety, the challenges, the learning, the people, both colleagues and customers – every day I really do still see or hear something that I thought I wouldn’t after all these years!”