Feeding Tube Awareness Week
Chloe is a valued member of our Communities team and has had a feeding tube for over five years. It is Feeding Tube Awareness Week so Chloe has created this short video to raise awareness of feeding tubes and challenge the myths and stereotypes that people with a feeding tube face.
Chloe is one of our Peer Support Workers and co-facilitates our Equal People Groups in Gateshead and South Tyneside where she empowers the people we support to have a voice and speak out about things that are important to them. Chloe is also a key part of our YVC’s Accessibility team, providing Easy Read training and resources for our team to reach out to people with communication needs.
Lindsay Henderson, Head of Communities at Your Voice Counts, said:
"I’m so pleased that Chloe felt able to share such a powerful and personal video which has certainly open my eyes to all the challenges and myths surrounding feeding tubes as well as remind me just how awesome she is in general for overcoming these challenges on a daily basis and for bringing so much to our team here at YVC – Thanks Chloe!!”
For more info or if you have any questions, please contact us at mail@yvc.org.uk.