Campaigning to extend people's rights to independent advocacy
The Leaders in Advocacy Network is an informal collective of organisations who provide independent advocacy across the country.
The aim of the network is to develop genuine co-operation between organisations and to share best practice. It is an informed and powerful collective voice for the advocacy sector, pushing for positive change to strengthen the voices of people who rely on public services.
Members of the network are currently pressing the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, and MPs generally, on the subject of extending the rights of people to receive advocacy support, and calling for Independent Mental Health Advocates to have access to high quality training, including in age and culturally appropriate advocacy and advocacy for people with learning disabilities and autistic people.
At Your Voice Counts we are proud to be able support calls to extend people’s rights to independent advocacy by signing the letter below and by adding our voice to those of over 50 leading organisations working to support people experiencing mental health issues.
You can read our letter to Sajid Javid here: