Update on 'I have something to say'.
Gateshead People and Twisting Ducks Theatre Company have teamed up together for a very exciting project funded by The Big Lottery Awards for All programme, giving people with learning disabilities and autism in Gateshead and Newcastle the opportunity to explore their voices through the written and spoken word.
With creative workshops and art mentors to help stimulate, encourage and guide us we plan to get out there and have our voices heard.
The project is open to all people with a learning disabilities, and, or autism and you do not need to read or write to take part. We plan to get our voices out there in lots of different ways and on lots of different platforms.
To keep up to date on what we are up to follow the blog page on this website or have a look on Twisting Ducks website: http://thetwistingducks.co.uk/i-have-something-to-say