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Other sources of help and support

We are lucky to work across the North East where there is a wealth of other organisations and services that provide advice, support and guidance to people who live in our region.  We work in partnership with many of these organisations on a number of our projects and are pleased to signpost the people we support to them for additional help when needed.




South Tyneside 

  • Age Concern Tyneside South - services and activities for older people in South Tyneside

  • Autism Able  - wellbeing, employment and life-long learning centre for people with ASC (Autism Spectrum Condition)

  • Bliss=Ability - support and activities for people with a disability in South Tyneside

  • Inspire South Tyneside - information, advice and support for voluntary and community organisations in South Tyneside 

  • Healthwatch South Tyneside - ensuring people's feedback on health and social care services in South Tyneside is heard and acted upon 

  • Speaking Up Together - self-advocacy organisation for people with learning disabilities in Gatehead and South Tyneside

  • Vision & Hearing Support - support for people with visual impairment and who are Deaf or hard of hearing in Gateshead and South Tyneside

  • WHIST (Women's Health in South Tyneside) - health and wellbeing support for women living in South Tyneside

Your Voice Counts

14-16 Greenesfield Business Centre

Mulgrave Terrace



       Tel: 0191 478 6472 (freephone: 0800 048 7856)

       Email: (secure email:

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