Self-advocacy - Speaking Up Together
Your Voice Counts believes in supporting and connecting people to be advocates for themselves so they can share their views and speak up for what they want and need.
We are proud to support the Speaking Up Together self-advocacy group and work closely with the members of the group to help make sure their voices are heard within our organisation and beyond.
Annual report 2023
Speaking Up Together - Beyond Boundaries
"Speaking Up Together is a self-advocacy group run by and for adults with learning disabilities who live in
Gateshead and South Tyneside. We are a forum for people with learning disabilities to speak up about
what is important to them. We currently meet online on Wednesdays at 2pm.
"To find out more about the group or how to join, contact Joanne McGeachin on 07467 819263 or
"You can also keep up to date with our news on Twitter @SpeakingUpTog and Facebook
"Click on the links below to read our latest Zoom flash newsletters:
Sign our petition
"Please consider signing and sharing the petition below which self-advocates have put together to protect people with learning disabilities and/or autism in hospitals and assessment and treatment units:
"We look forward to hearing from you so please do get in touch."
Videos showcasing our work
About Speaking Up Together - click here to watch our You Tube short film
To watch our other short films, click the play icons below:
Introducing ourselves - sign language
Be Cancer Aware - telephone appointments with your GP
About our zine project