Safeguarding Adults Week 2022
As part of #SafeguardingAdultsWeek, Ann Craft Trust are encouraging individuals and organisations to learn more about self-neglect. Do...

What does an advocate do?
We often get asked about what being an advocate actually means and what we do to provide our services. Our advocates provide a range of...

Community Connectors getting people together
Thanks to a kind donation of pumpkins from our local Asda supermarket, we were able to host a special day of Halloween fun for the people...

Keep us in mind when you shop online!
Easyfundraising and Amazon Smile are quick and simple ways of raising funds for Your Voice Counts at no extra cost to you! If you shop...

How many people does our advocacy service reach?
Our advocates are trained specialists who provide a range of advocacy services, including Community Case Advocacy, Independent Mental...

Case study: “I don’t want my life to go back to the way it was”
To mark Advocacy Awareness Week 2022, we are sharing examples of #AdvocacyInAction and how our advocacy services make a difference to...

Would you like to be the Co-Chair of Your Voice Counts?
We are looking for someone who has a learning disability and has used our services to be the new Co-Chair of our Board of Directors! As...

A week in the life of a Your Voice Counts advocate
Our advocates are trained specialists who provide a range of advocacy services, including Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy,...

Introducing our new Advocacy Practice Manager
Ann-Marie Bainbridge recently joined our team in a new Advocacy Practice Manager role that was introduced to help us develop and expand...

Advocacy for parents with learning disabilities
We are delighted to have been awarded a three-year grant to provide advocacy support for parents with learning disabilities and their...