Grief Awareness Week
Our Communities team organised a special session during Grief Awareness Week to give our staff, friends and people we support a safe...

Talking about men's health
In November our Health and Wellbeing Facilitator team organised a 60k movement challenge and #Movember competition to raise awareness of...

Grief Awareness Week - an advocate's experience
It's Grief Awareness Week and we have been talking to our colleagues and the people we support about grief and loss and giving each other...

Helping people with dementia to have a voice
Our Relevant Person's Representative (RPR) service supports people who are subject to a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard (DoLS) which...

How can you centre lived experience in an organisation?
Valuing lived experience is at the heart of everything we do at Your Voice Counts so we are very proud to have helped develop a new guide...

International Volunteer Day 2023
We have a team of amazing volunteers who give their time, skills and experience to help us run our services. In return, we’re proud to...