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Your Voice Counts Advocacy Services

Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)


Information for people being supported by an advocate


Visit our Resources page for factsheets about Independent Mental Health Advocacy.


Information for professionals


Who is IMHA for?


A person is eligible for IMHA support if they are:


  • Detained under the Mental Health Act

  • A conditionally discharged patient

  • Subject to guardianship, or

  • Subject to a community treatment order (CTO).


IMHAs are able to:


  • Attend meetings with the person or stand in for them should they wish

  • Assist with applications to Tribunals and Managers’ reviews

  • Provide support to ensure the person is able to participate in decisions

  • Speak to medical or social teams on behalf of a person.


What areas does the service cover?


If a person is detained in hospital, eligibility is based on the local authority area of detention, irrespective of the person’s ordinary residence and funding authority. Our IMHA service works with people when they are detained in a hospital in Newcastle, Gateshead or South Tyneside.


Where the person is receiving treatment in the community, eligibility is based on the area in which the ‘responsible hospital’ for their CTO (community treatment order) is based. Our IMHA service works with people subject to a CTO where the responsible hospital is in Newcastle, Gateshead or South Tyneside.


If the person is subject to guardianship, eligibility is based on area where the local authority is guardian - or if a private guardian, the area where the guardian resides. Our IMHA service works with people subject to guardianship where the guardian lives in Newcastle, Gateshead or South Tyneside or where the guardian is Newcastle, Gateshead or South Tyneside local authority.


Who can refer and how?


People who are eligible can self-refer to us, or someone else can refer on their behalf if they agree:


•    Click here for our referral form.


For more information or advice about a referral, please contact us.


Your Voice Counts

14-16 Greenesfield Business Centre

Mulgrave Terrace




       Tel: 0191 478 6472 (freephone: 0800 048 7856)


       Email: (secure email:


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