Community Voice
Community Voice
Community Voice provides opportunities for people to get together, take part in
activities and improve their mental health and wellbeing.
It is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund and delivered in partnership
with Vision & Hearing Support, Bliss=Ability and Your Voice Counts.
Who can take part?
Community Voice is aimed at people who have learning disabilities, autistic people
and people who are at risk of exclusion due to disability, sight loss or who are Deaf or hard of hearing.
What is involved?
We arrange regular activities for people to take part in. These include:
information, advice and guidance sessions
accessible training courses
creative sessions such as arts and crafts
visits to local places of interest such as museums, galleries and Jarrow Hall
Volunteers welcome too!
We are lucky to be supported by a team of volunteers who help us run these sessions. If you’re interested in this, we would love to hear from you.
Contact us
If you're interested in coming along to a session or volunteering please let us know. Get in touch on 0191 478 6472 or to find out more. To make a referral to our team, please How can I get involved? | yourvoicecounts (
#CommunityVoice #ReducingLoneliness #ImprovingAccess #ImprovingMentalHealth #ImprovingAccesstoInformation